Helen Finds a Master
Helen fancies herself a queen. She is intelligent,attractive,with a marvelous voluptuous body. But she has ahaughty,imperious, I-am-superior-to-you attitude that annoys manypeople and absolutely infuriates others. She is married to anolder man who obviously adores her, pampers her, caters to herevery whim,but who cannot at all control her and has neversatisfied her. Her husband travels extensively. Just now he isin Europe. Helen has gone to the symphony, alone, and there met aman whom she had known well once, a tall, spare man of curioustemperament, a hedonist, a true male chauvinist,stubborn,opinionated, willful- a type that Helen usuallydetested. That evening, after the concert, he offered her adrink, and thinking of avoiding a long cab ride home alone, sheaccepted. The thought of physical involvement with this man,though perhaps not repulsive, was certainly far from her mind. After stopping for a drink and a late, light supper, he did driveher to her house,made the expected pass, and she responded bygiving him a stinging slap in the face. He responded as no manhad before. He twisted her arm, turned her away from him, andusing a hard, barehand, slapped her fiercely across the rump. She reacted immediately, and when he slapped her fanny hardagain, she gasped aloud and all thought of resistance was gone. Recognizing her reaction exactly for what it was, as completesubmission, he led her to her bedroom, stripped her bare, spankedher further and harder, and soon joined her nude in her bed, tookher in strange positions and in strange ways, vanquishing hercompletely and satisfying her better than she had been satisfiedfor years.He had peeled off the veneer layer from her, made herfeel like a true love slave, ready, anxious to please his everywhim. Her husband will be gone for a month, and for that monthshe has a master, one who owns her, will train her in the imagethat he finds desirable. He will spank her when he pleases,perhaps in the privacy of her bedroom and perhaps elsewhere, withotherswatching. Now these spankings are not severe beatings-only firm spankings applied with a bare hand or a leather stropto her naked bottom. They paint her rear end a bright pink,leaving her heaving and gasping, and incredibly excited, lookingonly for ways to please him even more. And he promises hernothing more than regular, almost constant excitement, wild newadventures,exciting new friends, and orgasm, orgasm, orgasm!!!!So she has found a master, a strong man on whom all her almostjuvenile feminine wiles of the past are useless, a man who hascaptured her, has spanked her thoroughly and often and made herlove him for it, conquered her totally, used her sexually inevery conceivable way, introduced her to threesomes and foursomesand orgies, photographed her nude body in unbelievable poses,kepther constantly aroused and is now putting her through her paces,a series of varied sexual adventures, all embarrassing to her butmarvelously, deliciously dangerous and exciting at the same time. The queen has become a willing sex slave to a highly imaginativemaster, and never has she felt herself so much awoman as now. Forthe past year and a half she and her neighbor, a particular pal,have been taking belly dancing lessons- at first with agroup ofwoman at the local YWCA- and at the end of that series,privatelyfrom an older, very experienced belly dancer, anelegant, exoticlady of Turkish extraction who had learned this dance in the oldcountry as a girl. This older woman, now about 60, is anincredible specimen. She is slim, lithe, with a marvelous bodyand more energetic than women half her age. She has continuedthe lessons with Sara and Helen, and has taught them things thatthe YWCA classes did not- much more advanced things, andespecially she has taught them about the sexuality of the dance. She believes that belly dancing is inherently erotic,that it ismeant to excite both the dancer and the watchers, and that it issenseless and practically impossible- for the dancer not to havesex after she is through dancing. If she has no partneravailable, then masturbation is expected and encouraged. Shebelieves that belly dancing without orgasm following is absolutenonsense. Helen has been delighted with the lessons- they arereal fun,marvelous exercise, and they give her the most eroticfeelings imaginable. When she began her lessons, she thought thatthey might put some excitement in her otherwise hum-drumexistence. Well, she thought, they certainly have done that. Consider the basic movement in the belly dance- the thrustingforward and backwards of the pelvis, an almost perfect parody ofthe female movements in sexual intercourse. Consider the source,too. Belly dancing was first done in the Harems of the Sultans inthe Ottoman Empire, and the dancers were always haremslaves,selected for having the perfect, voluptuous figure thatthe dance demands- full breasts, firm, shapely legs and thighs,and adelicious, magnificent bottom. Helen's figure matches thisdescription exactly. And further, the slave is a Houri, a nubilefemale whose whole purpose is pleasing her master, however hemight wish to be pleased. It is her responsibility to excitehim, almost beyond control, so that he will then take her,manfully, forcefully. During the early lessons at the YWCA, thestudents dress in sweatpants and shirts and tennis shoes, aragpack looking group,not in the least exciting in appearance. After the YWCA phase,the teacher suggested that Helen and Sarabuy the appropriate costumes, the diaphanous, filmy materials,designed to show more than they hide, so that beautiful breastsare apparent, nipples are protuberant and obvious, and thighs andbottoms excitingly displayed as much as they are hid. OneSaturday afternoon, the girls made an excursion to Greek Town toan obscure shop, and bought the costumes. Later in the week theymet, each to see how the other looked dressed. Helen looked veryattractive- but Sara was absolutely gorgeous. Her pitch blackhair, intense brown eyes, full shapely mouth, and dark coloringgave her an Italian look, almost like Sophia Loren. She was sexpersonified in this costume, her gorgeous body almost completelyrevealed and still hidden slightly. She looked the perfectHouri, the beautiful,nubile, voluptuous maiden that Moslems thinkawait them in Paradise, trained to excite and to give perfect,exotic, never-ending sex in ways almost beyond the comprehensionof mortal man. Helen put on a tape, and they danced- firsttogether, and then,one for the other, obviously both veryexcited. Sara approached the end of her dance, and in Haremmanner, began to remove the few articles of clothing she wore.First the pantaloons came off so she was dancing in her vest andunderpants. Helen removed her own pantaloons. Sara unbuttonedthe vest, showing Helen her gorgeous breasts for the first time,utterly delicious looking love apples, high and full and firm,with chocolate brown aurioles and nipples, fully erect, almostdemanding to be kissed. Helen stared, transfixed. Sara dancedcloser, took down her underpants, wiggled free of them anddanced, her legs spread, her podex wiggling, her black pubictriangle in front of Helen'seyes. She turned, her gorgeous barebottom weaving, the cute rosette now and then visible as thecheeks parted, almost beckoning to Helen to come forward and kissit. Helen stared,absolutely entranced, unable to take her glanceaway from the heavenly sight of Sara, now turned again towardsher, her legs slightly spread, her unbelievable femininityclearly visible,juicy, lovable, as it moved forward and back,offering itself forher kisses. Helen pulled off her few items ofclothes and knelt before this dancing nymph and moved forward,her face now between the dancers legs. And for the first time,she kissed that glorious cunny. Her tongue found the erect clit. She massaged it wetly. Now the two nude girls stand, the dancingstopped though the music goes on. They kiss deeply and wildly. In an instant they are on the couch, in a position of 69, eachfeasting on the sopping, squishy. delicious cunt of the other. Both have found the only logical, the only possible end of a trueHarem belly dance when no man is present. And now, much later,after Helen was captured, her new master has decided that Helenwill do a public performance of the belly dance, before a smallaudience, in his own home. The guests have finished dinner andare relaxed, and Helen has gone to don her costume. She will bewearing a semi-transparent vest, deeply cut to show her cleavage,and through which her nipples are easily visible. She is wearingthe dancers pantaloons, again of a diaphanous material throughwhich can be seen her panties, again almost transparent, andthrough which can be seen the shadow ofher pubic triangle and thedelightful cleavage of her behind. She is wearing a boxfull ofjunk jewelry, assorted baubles and bangles of glass, in brightcolors. She has on bright, vivid makeup, and a heavy squirt ofperfume in strategic places. The perfume itself is a specialtype, with a very sweet, aromatic scent. It is potent when sheis still, but later when her wildmovements have caused her bodyto heat up, the perfume vaporizes further and the air takes on anexciting, erotic aroma, almost like incense. This arouses her,and she knows that it excites the audience. There will not be aflaccid cock in the room,later on. She hears the music begin- atape of Turkish music, exotic and slow and exciting, music onecan almost taste as well as hear. She dances in, her bodythrobbing in time with the music, her sexuality obvious, herexcitement clearly showing. Those present applaud, enjoying theprivate show. Very soon, the tempo changes, the beat picks upand the pace of her movements change. Quickly her master signalsher. Her pantaloons are removed. She dances now, bare legged,her scrumptious bottom in constant motion, more excited now andmore exciting now than before. The master signals again. Hervest flutters down. She now stands bare breasted before theaudience, her nipples erect, her excitement growing. Will herpanties come off, next? Of course they do. Now she is nude,continuing the motions, the parody. She knows what to expectnext. When the dance is done before a private audience in theHarem, it concludes with the nude dancer being given for thenight to one or more of the guests. Sometimes the personselected will take her, then and there, with the others watching,cheering him on. She will already be fully excited. No foreplayis necessary. The male selected may or may not need furtherstimulation. If so, the dancer is fully trained, and will useher body in any way to excite him, to prepare him to take her. And when he takes her, he will take her however he pleases, inany orifice in anyway. Will it excite him to spank her nakedbottom with a strop or a cane? Then he will do so, withoutopposition from the Sultan or any other person there. He is thechosen guest and has been given the use of the dancer, and useher he will, as he pleases. There is another historical customfrom the days of the Sultan. In those days, a eunuch was present,usually carrying a bamboocane. If the Sultan decided that thedancer's pace was too slow,or if there was a certain movementthat he wanted emphasized, asign to the eunuch would tell him toslash the dancer across her behind, a stroke guaranteed to bringresults. This might be repeated a few times, or many if theSultan was cruel. Tonight,of course, there is no eunuch and nonewould be needed. This night, the audience is composed of themaster, three other men and a woman. Helen dances on, nowturning her back to theaudience, bending far forward, andslightly spreading her legs. Her marvelous buttocks are only afoot away from those watching,her squishy femininity fully insight, her podex wiggling and wobbling, the rosebud of her anusalmost winking at those watching. As she is bent forward, herbody so intimately exposed to those who watch, her own feelingsare of gigantic excitement. She knows that soon her master willgive her for the night to one or another of the guests- perhapsone of the men, or perhaps to the woman, and she knows that shewill do her part to please this person. She is playing out thepart of the harem slave, and it is as much as her life would beworth to displease the Sultan if she really was a slave. And ina sense she is. Since she has come under the control of thismaster, she has been getting regular punishment- which she lovesand hates at the same time. There is no question that it is trulypainful to be turned over,rump-up and stropped thoroughly withthat leather. But at the same time, she adores the wildsexuality that she feels as her master uses her in strange waysand givers her body for use by his friends. Yes, in a sense hehas converted her from lady to whore, but never has she felt asattached to or as involved with any man. Yes, he totally is bossand she would not willingly have him any other way. And sheabsolutely revels in the joy she feels as her master shows offher beautiful body to strangers and willingly shares her mostintimate charms with others. She dances on, her nude bodywrithing and turning. At times her back is turned to theaudience, and they then are treated to the sight of the musclesworking in her beautiful thighs and ass, a particular delight inthe eyes of her master and exciting absolutely to any man. Perhaps whomever gets her tonight will want her that way, shethinks, and gives a special, exciting plunge that exhibits thatparticular delight to the audience,signifying perhaps that thereis orgasmic joy to be had right here for a strong man. And whowill the winner be, the one selected to conquer her, perhapsright there in full view of all,on that pile of cushions? Maybeit will be the woman this time. She is attractive enough, about40, shapely, quite well dressed,with a good, slim figure. Helendances a little bit, just for her, and this is immediatelyobvious to all. Yes, that one mightjust spread her thighs andHelen would kneel between them cheerfully, gladly looking intoand then kissing and worshiping her delicious femininity. Perhaps it will be one of the men. One, seated in the center,attracts her especially. He is talland sturdy, perhaps 50, saltand pepper grey in his hair, and astrong, powerful look-- andobviously very excited. Now, she dances especially for him,facing him, her thighs parted, her curly dark blonde triangle infull view, and as she moves backand forth, her vulva opens andcloses slightly, her pink clit now erect and peeping out at him. The perfume is now at its fullest effect and the sight of hernude body, obviously totally aroused, fully ready to beconquered, has all of the audience incredibly excited. They nowwant the dance to end and to see Helen take upanother challenge-the total satisfaction of another person. The master designatesan individual who wins tonight's prize. As she had hoped, it isthe stocky man with grey in his hair. He seizes her immediately,his hands rubbing across her back anddown over her bottom, and ashe grasps each cheek of her rump in a huge hand and squeezes, hekisses her, a long, wet kiss, his tongue plunging deep in hermouth. And of course she responds to his kiss, offering her hottongue in a kind of duel, her nipples rubbing against his shirt. They are in full view of the others, but she does not care at allwho watches- in her mind she is afully stimulated slave girl whowill do her utmost, her absolute utmost to satisfy this man, theman designated as her lover for tonight by her master. He bendsslightly forward, taking a nipple between his lips and gives it ahard, sucking kiss- almost too hard for her comfort, but stilltremendously stimulating. He stands and his trousers immediatelydrop to expose a monstrous erection, standing straight out, allbut pointing at her. Helen drops to her knees as her master hastaught her to do. She greets this appendage with a large, wetkiss, massaging the head with her slippery tongue. The dance hasdone what it always does for her-left her feeling almostorgasmic. Now she wants to pay homage to this lovely huge cock,to make it even more ready sothat it will invade her body, giveher spectacular pleasure andthen squirt its full tribute intoher. And she will willingly do as she has been taught- she willrelax totally, no matter where this monstrous cock is put, andthen participate in the pleasure whole-heartedly, giving as muchas she can, and cummmming with her new lover, cummmming for him again and again until he has had enough. He takes her to the pileof cushions, and removes the rest of his clothing so that he,like she, is nude. She wonders if this new lover will want tospank her first- there is master's leather strop, hanging on ahook on the wall. Will he want to use this on her, todemonstrate his total control? He does not. She drops back onthe cushions, thighs spread, ready to be pleasured by him. Hekneels before her, first giving her delicious, wet pussy a deeptonguing kiss. She responds wildly, raising her bottom up tomeet him, throwing her legs up and back so they rest on hisshoulders. He raises his head, thrusts a finger into her oily,juicy nest, withdraws that finger and searches for and findsanother orifice for it, thrusting it deep into her bottom. Shegasps. She knows that he will very quickly make her cumm for thefirst time this evening- that she had practically been there anumber of times during the dance, but not quite, but this oralstimulation and anal stimulation she cannot resist. But not yet.He moves his body forward so that his rigid cock is at her outerportals. She will get, will need, no further foreplay. Slowly,deeply, thickly, forcefully his rigid rod enters untilit's entire depth is planted in her. He strokes back and thenforward again- totally in control, setting the pace that pleaseshim best. And suddenly she throws her arms around his neck andsays for all to hear, "ooooooh,oooooooh I'mcummmmmmmmmmmmmmminnnng!!!!". Her new lover smiles, his machofeelings excited, he has conquered this delicious bitch. He hascaught her, fucked her, and made her surrender his orgasm to him.But he is by no means through. He continues the slow pace.Thoughshe has just cum, her arousal has really not diminished at all. Her new lover is fucking her masterfully, slow, deep powerfulstrokes, his finger still imbedded in her anus, keeping time withthe strokes of his cock. Never has she enjoyed intercourse somuch as this instant, but at the moment she thinks how terribleit is to do this with people watching, how embarassing, howawful, how dangerous, how absolutely delicious. And her thoughtgoes to her master, who has orchestrated this whole event, youmight say choreographed it, and she loves him for understandingher so well, for analyzing her needs for sensation andhumiliation and having them satisfied. Her head turns, she seesthe audience watching, transfixed. The woman is obviouslyaroused, her legs now spread, her crotch pointed towards Helen,though she has her panty-hose on. They make eyecontact. Thewoman makes the sign of a kiss to Helen, and Helen makes theresponse, her tongue emerging and making a licking motion. Helenknows, just absolutely knows, that when the othersleave, thatlady will remain, those panty hose will come off, andHelen willbe treated to a closer sight of those female delights and thatHelen's master will give her to a second lover tonight,and at thethought, her body shakes and quivers as she goes through thethroes of a second orgasm.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Helen Finds a Master
Helen Finds a Master