Saturday, April 12, 2008

L.A. Beat - part 1 thru 4

Though this fictional story might remind you of a popular TVseries, this story has nothing to do with it. No-one saw me doit, nothing can be proven. This story contains lots ofconsensual lesbian sex between teenagers, so hit n if thisdoesn't suit you. Sorry for my bad English, since I don't speakit as native language. Feel free to correct all errors youhappen to find. This is public domain, so distribute it freelyas long as you don't make any profit of it.
The ending of the original version was bad, giving no room forsequels. I've altered it to something less raunchy. If you havethe older version, please do not distribute it, and replace itwith this. Thanks!
Oh yes: if you imagine that this is a 90210 story and use thoseworld famous characters with your imagination when reading this,remember that here in Finland we're pretty much behind in airingand the events of this story would best take place at thosetimes when David's father Mel proposed marriage to Kelly'smother.--

The deadline was coming like an avalanche. For the first timefor months Andrea felt a little horrified - she'd made theirschool's newspaper the absolute best there is, but now half ofthe articles were missing, photographers were out of reach,everything went wrong and no-one seemed to care. Andrea satbehind her desk, telling herself to calm down. Yelling andscreaming at the staff wouldn't help her, and it wasn't herstyle. One by one everyone else had drifted out of the office toattend their lessons, until there was only Andrea and atypewriter that refused to produce anything she'd print.
"Is there something wrong", she heard a familiar voice say.Brandon had loitered into the office.
"No.... yes, there is", Andrea said, knowing that she couldn'thide her emotions from Brandon, who sometimes seemed to be ableto read her like a book. They's known for a long time (in fact,Andrea had once offered her virginity to him) and were goodfriends, part of the gang of eight.
"It's this newspaper. I don't know why, but everything seems togo wrong, no matter what I do. I don't know why", Andrea said,her voice losing its strength as the words went on. She was amaster in holding her emotions inside her, but now she wasalmost in tears. She jumped up and pulled herself againstBrandon, who held her in his arms like a friend. Nothing more,though Andrea wanted more in her dreams. In her most intimatedreams, in her most intimate moments with her body, he imaginedBrandon doing everything a dream lover can do to a woman. Andreahad never felt man's love, and she was getting more and moredesperate every day.
"It's all right, Andrea", Brandon said, having never seen herbehave like this. "It's all right. I'll help you and we make thenext paper the best one ever."
"It's no use", Andrea said, now crying. "There's no way anyonecan do it, and it's all my fault. I left things unattended, andnow everything is falling apart. It's my fault! Mine!"
"No, it's not", Brandon said, hearing the door open behind him.Andrea turned her face away for a second, trying to wipe thetears off her face.
"I thought you were here..." Brenda said to Brandon, stopping atthe sight of Andrea crying. She walked over the room and touchedAndrea's arm gently.
"It's all right", Andrea said and told them that she was goingto be fine. Brenda asked Brandon if she could borrow his car,beacuse she and Kelly were going to catch some rays at thebeach. And maybe watch the hunks playing volleyball, comparingtheir butts to Mel Gibson's. After some persuasion Brandonagreed, since he wasn't going to need it himself tonight andBrenda promised that Dylan would drive him home from the school.He passed the keys to Brenda, warning her that he'd kill her ifanything happened to his car.
"Would you mind if I joined you", Andrea asked, having wiped allthe tears off now. Her eyes were bright again, like after aspring rain.
"Sure... but what about the paper?" Brenda asked.
"As I said, there is nothing I can do about it. So, why should Iruin my day thinking about it inside these four walls?"
"Earth to Brenda, Earth to Brenda, pass me the oil", Kelly askedBrenda, who was focused to a gorgeous guy walking into thewaves. As usual, the day was perfect without a single cloudanywhere. "Oh, sure", Brenda said, finally noticing what herbest friend had said. She passed the little bottle to her. Kellystarted putting the oil slowly on her body, enjoying theCalifornia sun and hot sand.
Andrea sat up and looked at the guy, whose head was now visibleamong the waves. Nice hairdo, though, but such things had noimportance for her. She cared about what was inside a man, hisintelligence, his compassion, his willingness to help the world.Brandon has all these charasteristics. She took a look at herbody, which had become noticeably more tanned during theafternoon. She didn't look bad - what was it with her that noman ever showed interest in her? God, she'd give anything if shecould change parts with Brenda, who could live with Brandonevery day!
"I wonder if I should call that guy here and ask him to spreadthe oil over your back", Brenda said jokingly to Kelly. Kellyanswered by throwing a pinch of sand on her, and they bothgiggled for a while. Kelly turned on her stomach and said thatshe wouldn't say a word until someone did the honors.
Andrea took the bottle, poured some oil on her palm and startedspreading it on Kelly's back. The oil added to Andrea's touchfelt nice, so Kelly closed her eyes and stretched her body for asecond.
"Shall I put it on your legs, too?" Andrea asked.
"Go ahead", Kelly said, now looking at the volleyball field withBrenda. There were no cool guys present right now. Andrea pouredsome more oil and spread it all the way to the ankle alongKelly's leg. Her legs were so much better than Andrea's, and herskin was also smoother. Andrea felt confused about what herfingers felt. She felt the Kelly live, and she thought that shecould feel every heartbeat, every single cell of blood pulsatingin her body. She closed her eyes and went on what she was doing,her motions slightly strengthened.
"You know, Andrea should start a career as a professionalmasseur", said Kelly and moaned. Brenda giggled and pointed herfinger at a new guy on the other side of the beach. Andreadidn't see. Her fingers now run on the inside of Kelly's legs,the oil killing almost all friction. Her breathing becameheavier as she moved her fingers closer to Kelly's pussy.
"Andrea, what are you doing?" Kelly asked in a voice that was amixture of denial and pleasure. Andrea was woken off her dreams,she opened her eyes and saw where her hands were. Kelly turnedher head toward her. So did Brenda, who was smiling, because shehad no idea what was going on. Andrea's fingertips were onlyinches away from Kelly's pussy, feeling the warm flesh theswimsuit had not hidden.
"Nothing", said Andrea quickly with her normal voice,embarrassed. She pulled her hands back and closed the bottle.Kelly sat up, facing Andrea. "What's going on?" asked Brenda,still not noticing anything. Kelly nod her head to the right andlooked at Andrea's eyes, smiling a little cute smile. Andrea wasashamed and couldn't look back. Kelly put her hand on Andrea'sshoulder and turned her to face her.
"I'm not angry", said Kelly a few times, trying to make Andreaunderstand. "You're not?" asked Andrea back, very shyly. For herwhole life she'd kept her emotions under strict order, beingvery careful not to show them to others. Now she'd done theunthinkable. Gossips would ruin her reputation. Everyone wouldgiggle when she walked by. She'd have to leave the newspaper.
"In fact I'd like you to do it again", Kelly said and gave her asmall kiss. "It felt really nice. I don't think I've ever feltit as nice as now."
After a while the girls had moved to a more quieter place whereno one could see them behind the bushes and dunes. Kelly lay onher stomach and moaned as Andrea slid her fingers along herlegs. Brenda was very curious to watch, and she felt an almostirresistible need to touch her pussy. The sight of Kelly withher eyes closed and her mouth turning from a big smile to alittle o-shaped pit was something awesome. Andrea was a lot moreliberated than ever and seemed to really enjoy herself. For afew times she touched Kelly's pussy with her forefinger, whichmade Kelly moan sharply every time, then giggle.
Andrea adjusted her position for a bit and used her right handto massage Kelly's neck and shoulders. Her left hand was holdingKelly's pussy, rubbing it under the swimsuit. Kelly's bodyseemed to enjoy it so much that it was too much for Brenda. Shesat up, looked quickly around, took off her trunks and spreadher legs. Her pussy felt so hot and itchy that she HAD tosomething about it. Andrea saw what she was doing and smiled,not stopping what she was doing. Kelly also nodded her headapprovingly, taking a good look at Brenda's little show.
"Take them off", said Kelly smoothly at Andrea. "I don't wantyou to grow too anxious over Brenda, at least not before you'vedone it me!"
Kelly turned on her back and spread her legs, while Andreapulled her trunks off. The sight of Kelly's sweet love holedrove Andrea almost crazy. She inserted her forefinger in it andstarted moving it back and forth, feeling Kelly's wet passiongrowing inside. Kelly had taken off her bra and fondled her titswith her both hands, her head moving from side to side withlust. Brenda took also her bra off, making Andrea go ohh overher beautiful tits and hard brown nipples. Kelly stared at them,remembering the day when they had learned to search possibletumors in their breasts. Both Kelly and Brenda were now bucknaked and moaning with pleasure.
Kelly put her hand behind Andrea's neck and pulled her gentlybut irresistibly down. Not that Andrea resisted, at least notmuch. She positioned herself between Kelly's legs and put herhead where it belonged. The smell of Kelly's pussy juice andsweat was like knockout gas. Kelly felt something she'd neverfelt before - something soft and wet penetrating her pussy lips.Andrea's tongue. "Oh god", said Brenda, not believing her eys.Every motion of her finger was so powerful that she felt thatthey could tear down a house. She'd come real soon.
Andrea moved her tongue inside this gorgeous blonde's pussy,exploring every little mound and corner. Then shen moved toclitoris and started nibbling it, almost teasingly. She suckedon the taste, feeling that she could never have enough. Andreaplaced her hands on Kelly's ankles and spread her legs a bit toget a chance to suck better. Then she slid her hands alongKelly's feet, ending to toes. She tickled them, which made Kellylaugh and moan at the same time.
"I'm gonna come", Brenda yelled, breathing like a steam engine.She closed her eyes and saw the stars. Her very blood set afireinside her, and she yelled some more. After this orgasm cameanother, this time even bigger, and Brenda prolonged it as muchas she just could. Andrea watched this with amazement, but thenKelly's pussy became alive. Kelly was coming too. SuddenlyAndrea was snapped into real world again, while these twogorgeous creatures were having the time of their life. What thehell had happened in this beach?
Kelly thanked Andrea with a kiss, while Brenda lay on her backlooking at the sky, unable to do anything else. "Quite a ride",she said, and Brenda agreed.
"But someone hasn't had her full share here", Kelly warned andlooked at Andrea. She gave her a French kiss, tasting her ownpussy inside Andrea's mouth. Kelly put her arms around Andreaand tried to open her bra. Suddenly Andrea pushed Kelly's armsaway from her. Kelly looked at her with amazement.
"What's the matter, Andrea?" said Brenda, having sat up.
"Because... because... I've never done this before! I'm avirgin!" Andrea said with sudden anger. "I don't want my firsttime to be with a woman. I am not a lesbian!"
"Come on, Andrea, you are in love with Brandon. That means youare interested in guys", said Brenda. "We are your friends, andwe want you to feel the same pleasure as we did. We are not muchmore experienced than you are. And to be brutally honest,Andrea, you're the last person I'd ever have imagined to havesomething against alternative sexual preferences."
"And you wouldn't be the only one. You remember Matt, the guy Iused to date last summer? He's homosexual, too" said Kelly,sharing the secret. "You're kidding!" said Brenda, mouth openwith amazement. But they could see in her face that she wasn't.Then she told them that surprisingly many girls in their schoolhave tried lesbian encounters, she even many times. No-one justever told anything to anyone, because if they did, they wouldlose their own reputation too.
Brenda stood up and walked right next to other two girls. Andrealooked quite unsure, but not angry. Brenda sat down and startedcaressing Andrea's ear nipple. She licked her ear and finallyput her tongue inside. Meanwhile, Kelly completed openingAndrea's bra, this time with no resistance. She gasped at thesight of Andrea's nice pair of tits and tasted them both. Andreaput her arms around both girls and pulled them closer. Brendamoved her tongue in her beautiful brown hair and neck.
Kelly licked Andrea's tits wet while inserting her hand insideher swimming trunks. Even though they hadn't swimmed that day,they were wet. Andrea moved her hips a bit forward and let herback fall a bit lower, closer to position of laying down, sothat Kelly's hand could operate more freely. Brenda set Andreagently down and proceeded to her other tit. Andrea smiled at theblue sky and moved her hands playfully in both girls' hair. Shehad never felt so good before. This was much better than doingit alone, though she'd become quite good at it during all theseyears after her fourteenth summer.
"Do it to me", she moaned. And they did. Brenda approached headface again and they kissed; first gently, then with tongues,sharing turns to explore each other's mouth. Sometimes theystopped for a while and smiled at each other. After that day,their friendship would be in a new level, sharing a secret thenerds at the school would never know. Andrea's face seemed tomelt, when Kelly finally started licking her virgin pussy. Theproblems in the paper meant nothing for her now.
Andrea couldn't resist the sight of Kelly's beautiful asshanging front of her, but out of reach of closer inspection. Shetold that she wanted Kelly to do a 69 session with her, andblushed when she realized what she had said. Kelly and Brendawinked their eyes and promised that they'd give Andrea somethingshe'd never forget.
After a minute the session was going on, but slightly alteredfrom Andrea's original plans. They were all laying on the sand,doing a threesome in a form a triangle. Andrea was suckingBrenda, who was operating on Kelly, who did the honors forAndrea. Andrea had noticed that both girls tasted different, butgood. Kelly was sweeter, but Brenda was... deeper. If they werewines, Brenda would have been a rarity from the 18th century.
"MMMMM", moaned Andrea when Kelly proceeded to her sweetasshole. And that felt GOOD. She wrapped her legs around herbody , demanding more. The feeling of her tongue in her assholewas something beyond words. This was as good as the moment ofnormal coming with masturbation, and she could hardly wait thebig orgasm that was sure to follow. In her excitement her tonguefound new ways to excite Brenda, which made her do even betterwith Kelly, and that made her set Andrea's asshole on fire. Thereaction travelled in all girls, causing them to reach a new,unexplored level of pure ecstasy.
Then it was time to come. Like at a signal, they all startedrocking their hips rhythmically, flooding juices into eachother's mouths. Screams of pleasure were hidden by sweet femaleflesh as the moment seemed to go on forever and forever andforever. Finally they let each other go, tilted over andremained there, too tired to do or say anything. The orgasm wasstill caressing their insides as they breathing lost itsintensity. They were like this for a few minutes.
"Oh damn, I run out of tape", a familiar voice said. The girlsopened their eyes with terror and shame. The whole gang wasthere. David had lowered her video camera and was taking out thetape. Fortunately there was no-one else to see their littleshow, at least not visible.
"I thought that the day was so beautiful that I'd hit thebeach", David said, grinning like the sun. The girls cried andstarted collecting their clothes frantically, trying to hidetheir naked bodies. "This is going to be great material for myvideo about the life of a teenager", David said, obviouslyhaving fun.
"David, if you EVER show that tape to anyone, I'll kill you!"Kelly yelled, being the first one to regain her self-control."Give that tape back", added Brenda in a voice as loud andauthoritative as Kelly's. David took a look a each girl, tryingto act as cool as possible. To his disappointment, Andrea hadbeen the first one to discover the possibilities of using atowel as clothing. Seeing her do this, the other two followedher example.
David started retreating slowly, watching each girl. "Don't tryanything", he said. "I can run much faster than you. Muchfaster! And I don't think that you would follow me wearing onlythose towels", he said and added a little cool smile.
"David. This is your last warning", Kelly threatened. "Give thattape back right now." David stood at least 40 feet away fromthem. She'd never catch him. In fact, she'd have to drop hertowel to be able to run, and she could never do that. Behind herangry mask she was ashamed and scared.
"David! Let's negotiate about this", asked Andrea, trying tosound as convincing and friendly as possible. He now stoodalmost 50 feet away from them. The video camera weighed a ton inhis hand.
"I think I'll keep the tape, though I'll never show it to anyoneelse", David said and started running. The girls took a quicklook at each other, dropped their towels and went after him.David looked back, yelped and changed to highest gear. Andrealost her courage and couldn't follow any further, afraid thatsomeone would see her naked body. The fear of what David woulddo with the tape - he could show it to all his nerd friends -made Kelly and Brenda run faster than ever. David looked backagain and saw them merely 20 feet away. And they were closing.
David tripped over something and fell. Before he could get up,the girls were all over him, beating and strangling him. Hetried to surrender, but Kelly gave him no chance. She sat onDavid's chest, and for a split second he realized that her pussywas only a foot away from his face. The thought didn't comforthim much when Brenda took the cassette and camera from him.
"I think I'll just smash this camera into thousand little piecesand make this sucker eat them", Brenda screamed, waving thecamera. Kelly strangled David and sobbed something he couldn'tmake out. "But I have a better idea" Brenda added.
David felt a strange sensation when he felt Brenda pulling histrousers down. His erection bent painfully when the trouserswent down. Kelly's tits dangled close to his face, and Kellyyelled something but everything was quiet and slow motion. Hewas running out of oxygen with no strength to fight back. Brendatook off his shoes and socks and pulled the trousers andunderpants out. His stiff dick was now visible, and for a momenthe thought Brenda was going to suck it so he wouldn't tellanyone what he had seen them do in this beach and then kellylooked back and laughed and stood up leaving his throat freeletting him breathe and then kelly pulled his shirt off withoutnoticing his effort to prevent it and he was buck naked andgirls run away waving his clothes and andrea stood over thereand laughed aloud and he was now able to breathe thank God!
David realized he was as naked as the girls had been a littlewhile ago. He looked around and saw dozens of faces looking athim curiously. "Wait! Come back!" he yelled and stood up,covering his shrunk penis with his hands. Everybody was laughingat him, and he ran after the girls.
"I was just joking", he shouted, but the girls had alreadydressed and ran to their car holding his clothes and thecassette. "Wait! You can't leave me like this!"
Brenda got the car going a little before David could grab it.Andrea gave him fingers - both of them. Kelly was just laughing.David tripped again, falling on his face. The car turned to theroad and accelerated. They obviously had no intention to comeback to him.
--LA Beat sneak previews of the next week!-"Dylan? Mom? What are you doing?"-"Kelly, I can sure tell you are your mother's daughter!"
-"Andrea, you are going to write about... WHAT?"

L.A. Beat - part 2
"I can't believe that jerk!" Brenda really needed some coolingoff when she steered the car on the fast lane and accelerated.They felt the highway underneath and its sensitive vibrationswhen the car slided smoothly forward like a puck on the ice.
"Well, we definitely taught him a little lesson", Kelly laughedand slapped a high five with Andrea, who had laughed almost allthe way from the beach. "I don't think that he will tell anyonewhat happened. Andrea, did you see his face when Brenda pulledhis pants down?" Andrea gasped some breath and shook her headbefore answering. "No, you were sitting on his chest, but soonafter that, yes!"
"Hey, wait a minute", said Brenda. "Who's got the tape?"
"I have it right here with his pants", Andrea answeredcheerfully from the back seat. One could have never believedthat this little brat was the same person who had, a couple ofhours earlier, grieved over the failure of her work. "What arewe going to do with it?"
"We'd better destroy it completely", Brenda said and overtook atruck that crawled forward. "I'm not going to stay awake everynight, worried if someone will find it tomorrow."
"Come on, Brenda", said Kelly, "don't be such a party-pooper. Icould very well keep it. My mom never touches my things. I mean,girls, shouldn't we at least watch this tape once?" Kelly turnedagain to Andrea and they both burst giggling. Brenda wasn't asamused.
"The state of your privacy could soon change, when David becomesyour brother", Brenda reminded the others.
"Tell me more about it and I'll puke", said Kelly, causingAndrea fall laughing down to the back seat with suddendeceleration. "That dweeb got to see my tits and pussy a bit tooclose. I don't want to think about him ever again." Kelly kept alittle pause, the continued. "And guess what I'm really madabout? I had just began thinking that he might be a decent humanbeing, after all."
Brenda slowed down and steered the car into the turnpike. Thesun was still well above the horizon, and there was surprisinglylittle traffic. "Are you going to tell Donna about this?" Andreaasked. "After all, she is David's girl."
"I don't think that she'd be too happy to hear this", answeredKelly. "Did she tell you that while her parents were gone awhile ago, she invited David to their house and David had askedher to sleep with him?"
"Sounds like our boy has reached his poberty", Andrea snapped,casually searching through David's clothes. "And I'm not theonly virgin around here. At least I'm not even close to be themost inexperienced one. I still got my maidenhead, but thatdoesn't mean anything to me. At least not much anymore. Thankyou, Kelly, for what you did to me. It was so close. It couldhave turned out so much differently."
Kelly appreciated Andrea's thanking her, but reminded her thather magical fingers started the whole thing. "But we're notgoing to do this again", Brenda said and the others agreed.Their life was too complicated and difficult without arelationship like that. Happening only once, indicents like thiscould be a paradise, but prolonging them would gradually makethem hellish.
"We've been friends for so long and gone through so muchtogether", Kelly said. "In a way, I'm happy that this happened.We can talk so much more freely now." Andrea nodded and turnedher attention from David's clothes, having checked them insideout. She asked how much Kelly and Brenda talked about their sexlife to each other. After all, they were the best friends.Brenda stopped at the red light and told Andrea that it reallydidn't happen too often. Kelly agreed with that.
"How often do you do it to yourselves?" Andrea snapped quickly,turning both heads back. A honk from the car behind them madeBrenda turn her face back to traffic, where the lights weregreen again. "Come on, we've had more intimate moments thanthis. I confess that I do it often. Not on a daily basis, butoften. In fact I know now what I'm going to write the editorialabout. Masturbation... the beauty of."
"You're going to write the editorial about WHAT?" Kelly askedwith an extreme expression on her face. Andrea looked at her asif she didn't understand what the fuss was all about."Masturbation. I wonder why I never got that before. It is areally big thing in our lives. Brandon, Steve, Dylan... they alldo it. Everyone does it. I must write about it, try to wake someconversation. The boys can talk about in their locker rooms.Time has come to rise to next level."
"I guess you're right", said Kelly and took one little breathbefore continuing. "I do it three or four times a week. When I'min the mood." Brenda succeeded in turning to the right lane. "Iremember when I first discovered it", Kelly continued. "I wasthirteen. My mom was drunk as usual, fallen asleep downstairs. Itook a bath and dreamed of the boys in the high school footballteam. Then... well, it just happened."
Andrea and Kelly giggled again. After a short silence, whileBrenda slowed down to avoid hitting some skateboarding kids,Andrea dared her tell her story. "Come on, Brenda, we've alreadytold about us. And if I can tell anything about the show yougave me when I was doing Kelly, you're no beginner in it. Itlooked really delicious."
"All right then, if you really want to know. I was thirteen, andit was winter in Minnesota. I was all alone, and I was supposedto be doing my homework. Well, Mom had that book in her library,and I used to read it when no-one was home." Brenda's voice wasexciting, as if she was telling the others some secret. And in away, she was. "Was it one of Henry Miller's books? I sure haveread them all", Andrea asked.
"Nooo.. it was... no, I can't tell you. It's too embarassing",Brenda said. Kelly punched her softly on her arm, urging her totell. It was one of those moments in a girl squad, when thetension was thick enough to be carved with a knife and yet itfelt so nice. "OK then, but promise me you don't laugh or thinkthat I'm some sort of a maniac or anything", she said. Kelly andAndrea promised not to do so.
"It was Wild Boys by William Burroughs", she confessed quickly.The other girls broke their promise and exploded laughing.Andrea had read the book, of course, and Kelly, even with nothaving read the book, was amused by the title. "Calm down now,you promised me", Brenda yelled in a slightly angry voice as sheturned the car to the street they lived in.
"The title tells it all", Andrea said, calming her laughterdown. "It's all right, Brenda, I also read the book twice andenjoyed the scenes with all those guys doing it to each other.Sorry about our laughing. We don't think anything about you."
"Why is it that boys, and I mean all them, not only David, liketo watch women doing it to each other", Kelly asked. Brenda andAndrea took a little timeout to answer. Brenda told how she hada few years ago found a copy of Penthouse in Brandon's room,which made other girls gasp their breath. Brandon had readPenthouse? "I guess he didn't do it for the articles", Brendaadded.
"I once leafed through a copy", Kelly said. "I think that menare sick. Or why aren't there magazines for us women, showinggorgeous hunks doing it together? Because we don't want them. Weare sane", she told the others. Andrea shook her head and saidthat men like visual stimulation, women prefer reading books.And men like lesbian scenes, because if there are men in thepicture, there is competition.
The car pulled over to the yard, and Brenda invited girls for asoda. They agreed readily, because it had certainly been a hotday. They walked over to the kitchen door. Jim Walsh was on abusiness trip and wouldn't come back until tomorrow. Brendaopened the door and headed for the fridge. The faint sound ofthe running shower echoed from the upstairs.
"Is that Brandon?" asked Brenda. "No, it can't be. He's got ashift in the Peach Pit. It must be Mom." She dropped thesubject, browsed through the fridge and found no sodas. Insteadshe poured them some orange juice. Andrea emptied her glassfirst and put it in the machine. Other girls took their glasseswith them to Brenda's room.
The door to the bathroom was half open. Brenda took a quick lookinside while Kelly and Andrea proceeded to her room. The Mom wasin the shower... but there was someone else, too. Some man, whomshe couldn't recognize behind the untransparent glass. It wasn'this father. Brenda stepped forward and closed her mouth. Shehadn't made a single sound. The pair in the shower had heardnothing through the water and their own moans. And yet there wassomething very familiar in the man. It took a long time forBrenda to believe it.
The man was Dylan, and he was taking a passionate shower withher mother.
"It can't be. It just can't be", she thought hectically behindher frozen expression. Her eyes and ears told her the truth hermind was trying the deny. It was definitely Dylan. Her veryboyfriend, whom she loved more than anything else in the world.
Andrea had appeared behind her, watching the scene over hershoulder. She made no sound either. Brenda pushed her softlyaway and took her to her room, where Kelly was lying on the bedwithout a hunch. Brenda shut the door and told everyone to bequiet. Then she leaned her back on the door, closed her eyes andclenched her hands in a fist.
"Who's that man in the shower with your mom", Andrea asked in avery, very unsure voice.
"It's Dylan", Brenda answered monotonously. That kind of thingwas just too much. It was like you can walk on the hot coals ifthey are hot enough and burn your feet if they are colder. Itwas just too much. How could Dylan and her mother end up makinglove? She imagined how it had happened. Dylan had droppedBrandon home. Brandon had invited him inside. Mom had been homeand they had chatted. Dylan had stayed long enough, and Brandonhad left for work. Dylan had forgotten something and returned totheir home. And then...
Andrea stopped Kelly for going to see for herself. Brenda openedher eyes, stopped the film that was running in her head and toldher friends to get out. She'd give them a call afterwards. Kellyand Andrea rushed out as quietly as possible. Brenda went to thebathroom door and looked in.
Dylan and Mom had stepped out of the shower. Brenda saw Dylan'sfully erected dick in her mother's palm. They were french-kissing so intensely that they didn't notice anything. Her momrun her other hand in Dylan's wet hair while he had his bothhands firmly on her nicely-shaped ass. She lowered herselfgradually, licking his handsome chest until she finally reachedher penis, which she circled with her tongue. Dylan had his faceturned down to his partner.
She took his penis in her mouth and started humping itrhythmically. Dylan moaned in pleasure. Brenda saw her mother'sswollen tits swinging as she gentled them with her free hand.Brenda stood there, both fascinated and angry. She wanted toscream but she couldn't. She just watched her mother and herboyfriend enjoy each other.
Dylan pushed Mrs. Walsh's head gently back, telling her hedidn't want to come yet. She sat down on her bare wet ass andopened her legs, telling him to enter her. Dylan got on hisknees and told her to open herself. Brenda saw her mother haveher usual, beautiful smile, which turned into a round,pleasantly surprised o when Dylan entered her. Dylan leaned onher and kissed her smoothly, and they both moaned when Dylanmoved his penis back and forth. And they didn't even use anyprotection. For some strange reason, Brenda was more shockedover this than the whole situation itself, and she wondered why.
Brenda was able to see clearly how Dylan's cock moved in an outbetween her mother's pussy hair. Little by little they found amutual rhythm. After a few minutes of humping, Dylan's movementsintensified as she thrust his dick deeper and deeper. Brenda sawher mother push her tongue out, and after Dylan did the same,they played with each other, sometimes licking each other's neckand face. "I'm coming", Dylan told her, and she answered withloud moans of pleasure. Suddenly Mrs. Walsh's body went tense,she stretched herself and yelled with pleasure of her orgasm. Inmere seconds Dylan reached his climax, shooting his load intoher pulsating pussy. Mrs. Walsh grabber Dylan's ass to controlhis movements. She helped him push his dick deeper than ever,intensifying his orgasm beyond infinity.
Dylan fell on the top of her, totally drained of all energy. Sherelaxed and hummed something. "You are fantastic", Dylan said."Well, thank you", she replied, "now aren't you glad that I wasable to persuade you to stay?" She smiled at him so beautifullyand kissed her. "My daughter is such a lucky young woman to havea boyfriend like you."
"I love Brenda", Dylan said in a serious voice. Brenda felt asudden emotion too strange to describe with words, but then itpassed. She retreated to the corridor without knowing what to donext. "I really enjoyed this, but I don't want to continue withthis kind of relationship", Dylan said in the bathroom. "Somedayshe'll find out. I love her too much to hurt her like that."
"I know", Brenda heard her mother say. "And I love Jim, and Icould never hurt him. So, let's keep this our little secret,shall we?" Brenda heard Dylan say nothing, but she knew that hehad agreed by nodding his head. Brenda walked out of the houseas quickly and fast as possible, because they'd come out of thebathroom in a matter of minutes. She didn't want to embarassthem. Perhaps she'd tell Dylan about this - some day.
L.A. Beat - part 3
"And you didn't do anything", Kelly's voice asked astonished.Brenda nodded to no-one, then realized how stupid it was to nodwhen talking to a phone, then realized that no-one had seen herstupidity. She went on telling about what she had done. She hadslipped out of the house and driven quietly away for half anhour. When she had came back, Dylan had been gone and her motherhad looked like her normal self as if nothing had happened.Brenda had gone to her room and called Kelly immediately. Momwas going to spent the rest of the evening with some of herfriends and was doing her makeup.
"Well, at least your life is settled for a while", Kelly said,"but guess what has happened here? My mom just told me that we'llhave dinner together with Mel and David! And they'll be here anyminute!"
Brenda giggled for a while, imagining David sitting at the tableashamed in front of Kelly's eyes. Kelly had enough authority tokeep David's eyes set to the ground.
"Wait a minute", Brenda said suddenly. "What about the tape?"
"Andrea asked to have it for a day, and I saw no reason whynot", Kelly answered. "Don't worry, it will be all right. She'dnever show it to anyone else." Brenda heard the doorbell ring inTaylor's house. "Uh oh, have to go now. Wish me luck."
"Sure", Kelly heard Brenda say before hanging up. She stood upand walked downstairs. Mel and David were at the door welcomedby her mother, and as the girls had predicted, David couldn'tlook at Kelly's eyes for a second. Something about him touchedKelly and she promised not to be too harsh on him. After all,he'd already gone through quite a humiliation. Kelly wonderedhow he had survived to his home without clothes.
"Hello, Kelly, you look marvelous", Mel said and gave her a hugwith his normal, gentleman-like courtesy. Kelly asked herselfhow father and son could be so much unlike, found no answer andquit bothering herself with the thought. The delicious smell ofher mother's cookings filled the air, but they'd have to waitfor ten more minutes for the food to be ready. Jackie asked themto wait in the living room while she set the table.
David and Mel sat on the same sofa, and Kelly took a position asfar from them as possible without looking suspicious. "So, howwas your day?" Mel asked, obviously trying to startconversation. "Well... you know, the usual", she answered. "Girlstuff."
Something in her answer created a little smile on Mel's face,and Kelly felt an invisible rush run through her spine. David'seyes travelled on the furniture, ceiling and (mostly) floor,while Mel's intense but very mild-mannered stare made Kelly feelsomehow awkward. Kelly felt the smell of spicy fish in her nose,and for a minute the situation was very surreal for her. Visionof Mel Silver and Jackie, gone sooner than it even appeared.Blue tulips. And his soothing smile.
"Girl stuff?" Mel said, laughing a little. "I'm sorry, but girlshave always been an unfathomed sea for me. Could you tell mesomething more?"
"Well... girl stuff. Like shopping with your friends with yourrenewed credit card. You know." Kelly had a hunch that shecouldn't deal with this man the same way she used to remain oneof the most popular girls in the high school.
Mel looked outside the living room door and then at Kelly. Thistime his face told Kelly he knew before he even opened hermouth. They heard her mother take the kettle off the stove.
"Kelly, I know what happened earlier today. It took a lot ofpersuasion to extract the information from David, but therearen't too many excuses for a boy to phone his father and askhim to pick him up at a quiet place near the beach. And this boyhappened to be completely naked. He hadn't even picked anewspaper to cover himself or anything. All he had with him washis video camera."
David obviously wished that his father had remained quiet,staring at the ceiling, teeth securely locked together. Kellyhid her face in her hands, desperately thinking of something toget her out of this and quick. "David told me everything thathappened. Everything, even though it was too unbelievable forme. At first." Kelly wanted to die, and when she heard hermother open the oven's lid she gasped with frenzy. Mel calmedher down, telling her that he wouldn't tell anything to Jackie.There was one condition, though.
Kelly's mother noticed that the dinner had been quite tense. Shehad tried to start a conversation several times, but all thefeedback she got were little noddings and one-syllable words.There had been an invisible bond between her daughter and herhusband-to-be, but she hadn't been able to tell anything aboutits nature or meaning. And David had been so quiet and shy allthe time. Something was definitely going on, and she was goingto find out everything about it.
"I gave it to Andrea", she heard Kelly say as she stepped intothe living room. Everyone looked surprised for her returning sofast from the bathroom. "You gave Andrea what?" she asked.
"Nothing. Just a thing."
"Stop that, everyone", she said, almost screaming. "I know thereis something going on here, and no-one has told me anythingabout it. My patience is almost over, and it's very obvious thatyou all know something serious." Her sudden burst of angerdidn't surprise anyone - it had only been a matter of time. "So.Who's going to tell me about it?"
No-one had anything to say, so Jackie repeated her threat, thistime louder. Kelly was the first to break. She jumped on herfeet and ran past her mother, straight upstairs to her room. Melstarted talking, telling her everything he knew with his calmvoice. David wasn't able to listen, and he ran after Kelly.Jackie made no effort to stop him. Mel's story ended with hisrequest for Kelly to return to tape to David to pay for thehumiliation. Of course, David had to promise under oath andsevere consequences of breaking it that he'd keep the tape in asecure place and never show it to anyone else.
Jackie sat on the sofa and let her head fall behind, staying inthat position for a while. Mel apologized, saying that it hadbeen a stupid idea and if Jackie was mad at him he'd understand.Jackie looked back at him, and she was laughing happily, herworries proven wrong. Mel felt a part of the stone in his throatdisappear.
"And I thought that it was something serious", Jackie began."Those girls spend so much time with each other that it's not asurprise that such things happen sometime. I guess this is allright to tell you, and you have the right to know, but I oncehad a sexual relationship with a woman in my youth. I'm sure Ican understand Kelly, because in her age they are just testing.As an M.D., you know that, don't you, Mel?"
"That's right, but David did a bad thing. I understand that heis interested in watching, but videotaping them went a littletoo far. But he's already got his punishment", Mel said. Jackielooked upstairs, as if wondering about their children. "I thinkwe'd better consider this case closed. No-one is hurt, but ourmeddling with it would only make it worse", she said. Mel agreedwith that.
Jackie stood up and went to sit with Mel. They wrapped theirhands around each other and kissed passionately. "I think I wantyou right now", Mel said as their lips parted. Jackie rushedback on him and they french-kissed for a minute, caressing eachother with common passion. "My place or yours?" Mel asked,trying to sound like a private eye in a film noir movie. Jackiegiggled and smiled. "Yours", she answered, "let's leave the kidssettling this with each other. I'm sure they won't do anythingthey'd regret later."
Brandon couldn't believe his eyes. He was in his room watchingsome tape he had found on her sister's desk. First he hadthought that it had been the recording from the recent schoolevent, but he had soon learned that he had been wrong. The firstten minutes were various shots from the beach - he had evenlaughed a little when a beach bully appeared in the screen, thepicture shook and then there was a cut to the other side of thebeach. Then there was a cut to something that made him snap wideawake.
The recording was done in a bush, several branches and leavesdisturbingly on the way. Then Brandon recognized her sister'smoaning face between the green. Here the cameraman approachedthe actors a few feet and zoomed in a bit, so he could clearlysee the scene. Brenda was totally nude, fingering herself in afrenzy. Her lily-white flesh wiggled with frenzy as she fingeredherself. Zoom in to her pussy. Fingers moving back and forth.
Zoom out, full scene. Pan to left. Brandon gasped his breathwhen he saw Andrea fingering naked Kelly, both's eyes closed inpassion, smiles so wide that their teeth were showing. Beautifulsmiles. Zoom in to Kelly's rocking pussy. Pan to tits and facewrithing in ecstasy. Brandon had never seen Kelly so beautiful.Andrea had just come to visit Bren and they had left ten minutesago, laughing and telling apparent inside jokes. Zoom out, panto Andrea's face. She's saying something he can't make out. Zoomout to full scene. Brenda reaching her orgasm, Kelly soon tofollow. Andrea with an expression Brandon could have neverimagined on her face.
Brandon heard the door open downstairs and footsteps rushingupstairs. The damn machine took its time to eject the tape, andwhen it had finally done it, Brenda was already rushing past hisdoor to her room. "No!" she yelled, and Brandon knew why she'dcome back. He heard Andrea calling for Brenda, probably at thefoot of the stairs.
Brenda appeared on his door, looking furious. The situation wasso obvious that neither of them had anything to say. "Andrea!Come here", Brenda shouted, not leaving her eyes off herbrother. "What is it?" Andrea asked, and they heard how sheclimbed the stairs quickly.
"Give that tape back to me right now." Brenda's eyes hadnarrowed and her voice was icy. Andrea arrived and realized thesituation instantly. She stared at Brandon, who was grinning atthem. "Looks like my sister and my editor-in-chief share someinteresting hobbies together. Who filmed the tape? Oh yes..." hesaid as if he had remembered something, "the peeping tom wasDavid, wasn't it? Looks a lot like his camerawork."
They had had arguments like this when they were kids, butnaturally none on this subject. "No matter who it was", Brendasaid, ready to murder. "You are going to give it back to me.Right now. Can you hear me?"
Brandon walked calmly on the VCR and inserted the tape. Itstarted playing automatically, while Brenda made no effort ingetting the tape back, stunned by Brandon's behaviour. Her faceappeared on the screen, eyes closed, mouth open, saliva on herlips. Quick pan to left, in Andrea. She blushed when she sawherself on Brandon's television set, smiling her usual,beautiful smile. Then she realized that her nipples were pokingthrough her blouse.
"It's not what you think!" she suddenly yelled, surprising themboth. "I would have done it with you, Brandon, remember? When wewere riding in that carousel and you just couldn't understandwhat I was offering you? I'm no lesbian! We were just havingfun!"
"I'm sure you were", Brandon said. "And some fun it was", hecontinued. On TV Kelly and Brenda were lying on their towels,too exchausted to do anything but moan and caress their bodies."Would you like to go on with that fun?"
Brandon's question snapped the girls to react oppositely. Andreawas delighted, smiling surprisedly at Brandon. She'd definitelyagree. Brenda was shocked, his own brother asking her to dothis. Definitely not! There had to be some limits!
"Come on", Andrea said, releasing her horniness. "He doesn'twant you to touch him. But I want you to touch me where it feelsthe best." She kissed Brenda on the cheek, making her fight withdifferent emotions. Andrea purred and slid her hand along herbody. Brenda made no effort to resist.
"That's the spirit, Bren", Brandon said and sat on his bed.Brenda answered in Andrea's kiss, probing her cheeks with hertongue. Andrea moaned and placed her both hands on Brenda's ass,rubbing them softly against it. Brenda run her fingers downAndrea's spine, making her whisper how much she lover her touch.
In a few minutes both girls were naked and doing 69 on thefloor. Brandon was only wearing his shorts, but they couldn'thide the bulge inside them. Andrea was on the top, lappingBrenda like a dog, while Brenda practised some moresophisticated methods. Brenda massaged Andrea's neck with hertoes, sometimes playing with her long hair. The door was locked,even though there was no-one else home at the moment.
Brenda moved her hands to grab Andrea's dangling tits andstarted playing with her nipples. This made Andrea bury her faceon Brenda's silky pussy hair and suck on her clitorisfrantically. Brenda pulled Andrea closer to her and moved hertongue inside out, moaning as if she was humming. Brandon puthis hand inside his shorts, gave his dick a few good strokes,then stopped and pulled his shorts down.
Andrea turned her face to look at Brandon, and she waspositively shocked at the sight of Brandon's hard-on. She staredat it for a long time until Brenda used her feet to gently pushher back to her pussy. Brenda opened her eyes and saw Brandonapproaching. To her surprise, she felt perfectly at ease. Justas long as Brandon didn't try to do anything on her.
"Come here, Brandon", Andrea begged and took her face offBrenda's pussy. Her lips were wet with Brenda's pussy juice -there was a lot on her nose, too. Brandon went on his knees infront of Andrea. Andrea moved her body so that she was sittingon Brenda's face, smiled at Brandon with her usual, cute smile,the closed her eyes as if hit with sudden pleasure. Brenda'shands were eagerly groping her tits, and Andrea returned thefavor by massaging Brenda's beautiful, white breast. Brandontook a closer look at her sister's pussy wide open in front ofhim, but then Brenda pulled her legs together, blocking theview.
Disappointed for a while, then reminding himself that it wouldhave been forbidden for him anyway, he went on his knees aboveBrenda's pussy, careful not to touch it. He was sitting two feetaway from Andrea, who still had his hands on Brenda's swollenbreasts. She opened her eyes, saw Brandon front of her andsmiled. She gasped her breath sharply, remembering that she wasgoing to touch a man for the first time now. It felt differentthan she had thought, almost as if she had done it before. Eagershe was, though - and it would still be Brandon, just like inher dreams!
Both Brandon and Andrea bent forward, meeting halfway for adelicious kiss. Brandon lift his hands on Andrea's tits,caressing them with Brenda. Andrea moaned and Brandon could feelher warm breath. He felt the taste of pussy juice on her mouth,remembered whose taste it was and enjoyed it. He felt theforbidden pleasure run over his spine, and he wanted to taste itfor as long as possible.
Andrea pulled back, her tongue hanging out of her mouth. Shelifted her hands and placed them on Brandon's cock, sliding themcuriously all over it. Brandon closed his eyes and whispered howhe wanted more. Andrea was inexperienced, but very satisfying.Brenda's slurping became louder and more intense, and the girlsformed a machine, working in a one, perfect rhythm. Brandoncould feel Brenda's work through Andrea. He opened his eyes andsaw Andrea going down on him.
First she teased his cock with her tongue, licking it likecandy. Brandon placed one of her hands gently on his balls, andshe started caressing them. It wasn't perfect, but she was onthe right lines. Brandon put his hands behind Andrea's neck,massaging her only with his fingertips.
Andrea took his dick properly in her mouth, holding it with herleft hand at the same time. Her right hand was still handlinghis balls. Andrea's head was moving back and forth, and hermouth was dripping a mixture of her saliva and Brandon's pre-come. Brandon was ohyessing when his dick operated like a pistonin her mouth, and he intensified the movement with his hips. No-one had ever done anything this good to him - not Cheryl, notEmily, and those were the girls he'd gone to bed with so far.Brandon had felt it so nice last time when he had been high onEmily's euphoria. But this was clean, this had no side-effectsnor a hangover.
Andrea suddenly stopped and rose up. Brandon saw Brenda's faceappear, and she gasped when she saw his wet cock above her. "Iwant you to come inside me", Andrea said. Brenda moved a fewfeet backwards, leaving some space between her and her brother.Brandon reached out for the condom he had placed on the tablenext to him, took it out and rolled it on his dick. Andreakissed Brandon and positioned herself facing Brenda, telling herthat she'd return the favour. Brenda smiled and spread her legswide, and Brandon caught a glimpse of her wet pussy. Then Andrealifted her butt up, Brandon lowered himself on his knees andcarefully inserted his tool in the shaft between Andrea's legs.
"Oh yes, do it to me", Andrea moaned and closed her eyes. Shesupported herself on her elbows while fingering Brenda. Brendarocked her body around and lifted her legs high. She was lickingher tits, giving equal turns to both of them until they weresoaking wet. Andrea's breathing had turned extremely short andsharp, and Brandon was moaning like a steamboat.
"I think I'm going to come real soon", Andrea said beforereaching out Brenda's pussy with her tongue. Brenda wasfingering herself, but stopped that to give Andrea more room tooperate. "Oh yes, I am going to come. Just don't stop, Brandon,please do it to me." Brandon increased his pace, getting hornierand hornier with Andrea's every word. Andrea lifted her headagain, arched her back and started yelling. Brandon felt herorgasmic muscles tickling the tip of his cock, and suddenly hisballs started spurting their come. He thrust his rod deep insideAndrea's vibrating love hole, and they both yelled in ecstasy asthey came simultaneously.
Brenda, moved by the sight of their faces when they came, gotherself over the egde, exploded inside her body and went aaaahwhile moving her finger rapidly inside her pussy. The musclesabove her waist felt the floor and added their share in theorgasmic flow. When Brandon pulled out, Andrea fell forward onBrenda's pulsating abdomen and remained there, smiling happily.Brandon's hardon had lost most of its might, but he still feltthe pleasure as he rolled the condom off his dick. He caressedhim postorgasmic penis for a few seconds until he couldn't do itany more.
"Oh God", Brenda said, sat up and kissed Andrea. "Well, was yourfirst time good for you?"
"This was better than I ever imagined", Andrea answered andturned to kiss Brandon, who had sat down beside her. "I love youboth." Brandon gave Brenda a wink, and she blushed like aschoolgirl. Somehow they didn't feel ashamed at all, and Brendadidn't try to hide her private parts from Brandon. Then theyboth gave some smooth, tantalizing caressing on Andrea's earnipples, which felt so funny she giggled. "You are bothfantastic."
Brandon stepped up and started the tape. "Oh no", the girlssaid, playfully though. "Oh yes", Brandon said and came back tothem. On the tape Andrea was getting her pussy eaten in acloseup shot. She blushed and turned her face down, but Brendagave her a quick kiss, which made Andrea start a joyful littlepillow fight with her. "I wonder if should have invited Kelly,too?" she said when the fight had been resolved with lots oflaughing.
"I wouldn't have minded her", Brandon said carelessly. "But Istill would have wanted to come inside you, Andrea", hecontinued, understanding the hint in her face.
"Good for you", Andrea laughed. "But I think that that wouldhave caused quite an inequality between sexes here. Then wewould have invited Dylan also. Don't look at me like that,Brenda! You would have had a monopoly on him, of course."
"And good for you that you said that, but I don't think that itwould have worked out. I mean, we are all friends, but... Idon't think that it will work with groups bigger than this. AndI don't think I even want to try that."
Brandon agreed with that, and Andrea asked him how they weregoing to go on after this. Brandon sat down and told her that heliked her very much, but couldn't go steady with her. Andreasighed, but seemed to accept the fact. Brenda gave her a kissand welcomed her to the club. She had seen so many girls enterthe club, knowing that they'd never get Brandon.
On the television screen Andrea was just starting to come in the
- L.A. Beat - part 4
"I'would have never believed that I passed that history testwith a B", Kelly laughed. Donna agreed and picked a gorgeousblouse from the rack, posing it to Kelly in front of her. "OhGod", Kelly said, "now how come I missed that artifact? Pleasegive it me, I'll pay you anything for that!"
"No way", Donna said, searching the price tag. "I wonder whatDavid will say about this. He never makes any comments onanything I wear."
Donna's words conjured an image in Kelly's mind she didn't wantto share with Donna. After all, she wouldn't probablyunderstand. Kelly had had a little discussion with David theprevious day: he had apologized and was still friends withKelly. She had promised not to tell Donna anything about theirlittle incident.
"Are you going to buy it?" Kelly asked, eager to grab the blousefor Donna's smallest hesitation. Donna found the price tag andnodded her eyebrows. She was on the egde, and Kelly tried toinvent something to make her give up. After all, Donna couldnever spend $400 on a blouse unlike Kelly, who sometimes spent$1000 an evening for new clothes she'd wear for a day or two.
"Well... no. You can have it. It's too expensive, and I wasgoing to buy new bikinis", Donna said, and Kelly had grabbed theblouse before she could finish her sentence. Kelly examined thegarment greedily, ready to kill it with her credit card. For amoment Donna thought she saw her ancient foremother come tolife, then the moment passed and she set her course to thebeachwear department.
"Do you think that David will like my wearing these", Donnaasked playfully. The bikinis were only slightly larger than theamount of dollars on the price tag. Kelly was pretty amused ofDonna's chitchat how David never seemed to watch other girlswhile they were in the beach together. Then her attention wasdrawn to a pair of real killer bikinis, which would make everybeach hunk turn on his stomach when seeing her pass wearingthem. Though she had no intention of buying those - even lessactually wearing them in public, she remembered her Halloweenexperience too well - she decided she wanted the kicks forseeing how she looked like wearing them. Only she and themirror. She picked up the bikinis and went to try them on.
In a minute she was alone in a little room, a big mirror on onewall, curtains on the other and her naked in the middle. Shestopped for a while to look at her naked body. Yesterday'sexperiments hadn't altered her body in any visible way. Shereleased her hair and let it set itself free with a fewmovements of her head. She noticed how it reached down to hernipple when she struck some funny poses. To her surprise, shemanaged to look like a nude Vogue cover for a while, then burstlaughing and picked up the bikinis.
"Kelly!" she heard Donna whisper. She instinctively covered herpussy with the bikinis she held her right hand and her tits withthe left hand. "What is it?" she whispered back. Donna was justbehind the mirror wall, her voice obviously indicating someproblems.
"I can't understand how this wretched thing works!" Donna saidquietly but angrily.
"Wait a second, I'll be there to help you", Kelly said andpulled her shirt and the bikini top on. She peeked between thecurtain and the wall that the route was clear - and of course itwas, it was a corridor sealed from the sight of curious malecustomers, forced to follow their wives to choose from endlessrow of clothes they couldn't differentiate from each other.
Donna was wearing the bikini bottom when Kelly came in. She wasalso wearing the top, but it was hanging loose in a very uglyway. She was battling with it when Kelly entered. Kelly closedthe curtain after her, which made Donna stop her efforts.
"Unbelievable, did they make this in Russia or what", Donnasaid, her face blushing. Kelly smiled when she realized thesituation: Donna had faced the new generation of bikini tops.Kelly had had difficulties coping with them, but now she used noother kind of swimwear.
"Stand still", she giggled. "I will put them on you. These canbe a bit tricky at first." Donna turned around, facing themirror. Kelly stepped behind her and quickly succeeded inputting them on Donna. For a while they examined her image inthe mirror, saying a word or two now and then, but somethingwasn't right just then. "Now I think I know the problem. Itshouldn't be worn like that with breasts shaped like yours",Kelly snapped. She quickly placed her hands on Donna's tits,altering the position of the bikini top.
Donna, surprised of her friend's effectiveness, just stoodstill, feeling her little hands working on her breasts. "Isthere something wrong with my breasts?" she asked shyly, unsureof the situation. "No", Kelly said, checking her progress in themirror. Not yet perfect, but an improvement. Donna closed hereyes and sighed. There was something unbelievably erotic onKelly's action she couldn't understand. "They are justdifferently shaped than mine. Now I think that I got it. What doyou think of it now, Donna? Donna?"
Donna opened her eyes as if woken from a dream to harsh reality.She cleared her throat and started telling how good it lookedlike now when Kelly had done the great job she could have neverdone herself and now the bikini looked just great. Kelly didn'tpay attention on her obvious avoiding and denying of something,she just kept looking at her, smiling. Donna stopped her talkingand looked shyly into Kelly's eyes.
"Did you like my hands on your breasts?" she asked.
After a while, Donna nodded and turned away from Kelly, lookingat herself in the mirror.
"As I look at that top now", Kelly said, "I don't think that itis still OK." She repeated what she had done a moment earlier,but this time she concentrated on what was under the bikinis.Her fingers found Donna's nipples and traveller around them,making them harden. Donna's breathing became audible as Kellyslowly approached her shoulder and gave it a kiss that barelytouched it. She followed her aura along the neck, caressing itsmoothly while removing the top with her hands. Donna shook abit when she saw her nipples appear in the mirror, but thenKelly started caressing her ear nipple and brought her hands onher breasts, letting the bikini top fall on the floor.
Donna brought her hands closer to Kelly's. She placed herfingers between hers and started controlling her passionatemovements, gradually intensing them as her breasts swell.Kelly's lips moved down the her neck and started their slow journey along the spine. "Oh yes", Donna moaned as Kelly'stongue massaged every single bone on her back.
When Kelly had reached her butt Donna moved theirs hands to thewaistline and guided them to grab the bikini bottom. Kellyrolled it the her ankles, the smell of her passion intensifyingher own. Donna turned around and sat down, spreading her legs.The bikini bottom was still hanging from her other leg. Kellytook a good look at her friend's virgin pussy lying front ofher. She couldn't decide whether to taste her beautiful breastsor her pussy first. Donna was supporting herself on her elbows,her head leaning back and her hands or her tits. Kelly dive intoher cunt, dying to taste her smell and compare it to hermemories of Andrea and Brenda.
"Oh YES", Donna moaned when Kelly touched her pussy with hertongue. "Oooh, it feels so good! Ooh, do it to me!" shewhispered and placed her other hand on Kelly's neck. Kellyprobed her interiors, found her pulsating, swollen and deliciousclitoris and and caressed it with her tongue. Donna thought shewas going to die, the feeling was so intense. She wanted to grabKelly and do the same to her, she wanted Kelly to do it to herat the same time, and the lust was so total that she wanted todo everything to her at this very moment. She let her torso fallon the floor and leaned her head as back as possible to seeKelly in the mirror. All she could see was her blonde hairrocking above her pussy, and she felt how her soft and wet organfilled her vagina as nicely as it could ever be.
"I want you, Kelly, I want you right now to fuck me", shedemanded, moaning softly between and during each word. She satup, took Kelly on her armpits and pulled her face close to hers.They kissed passionately while Donna placed herself in thehorizontal position and pulled Kelly above her. She slid herhands under Kelly's bikinis and caressed her soft and cool butt,travelling closer to her pussy every second. Kelly finallypulled her bikinis and shirt off and threw them in the corner.They wrapped their legs around each other, took one good look ateach other's lustful face and started the action as ifcontrolled by same mind.
Kelly started humping her, the sound of their genital hairrubbing together making her wilder and wilder. Then she foundthe position and the pace, and Donna relaxed like a medusa asshe took everything Kelly offered her. Their tits dangledtogether, smoothly touching each other. Donna reached as far shecould with her hands and found the end of Kelly's vaginal lipsclose to her asshole. This made Kelly ahh as she lost thecontrol of her body for a moment, the she regained it and wenton with making their pussies one. Kelly placed her arms underDonna's shoulders and her head, running them through her hairand neck.
"You feel so good", Donna said, then felt a sudden shiver ofpleasure which made her bite her teeth together and then cry alittle, sharp cry. Kelly lifted her torso up, offering her hipsa better way to move back and forth. The smooth, silky sound oftheir pussy hair mixing was incredible. Donna inserted herforefinger in Kelly's asshole and felt her anal muscles shiverat the touch of her fingertip. "I'm going to come", Kellyannounced. "Just hold it right there, Donna, it feels so good.It has never felt this good before."
Donna's clitoris felt how Kelly's love organ transformed andstarted vibrating, as did her anal muscles around her finger,and her face had the ultimate expression of pleasure. Herthrusts stopped for a while, and Donna felt her clit coveredwith something sticky and wet, then Kelly thrust once again,this time very differently when compared to what she had donebefore. She was coming, and she was coming good. For a momentDonna was unsure of what to do, then the feeling on her pussytook the control over her whole body. She had masturbated onlyfor a dozen times in her life, and this was so different. Thistime she had her best friend with her, her whole body againsthers, feeling the mutual feeling.
Her own orgasm reached its absolute climax when Kelly wasalready calming down. Kelly inserted her tongue in Donna's mouthand licked her tongue and teeth thoroughly. Donna took hisfinger out of Kelly's asshole and dig them all in her sweatingbutt. Their pussies were touching each other again, and now itwas her turn to lubricate them. Kelly fell on Donna, and for hersurprise she didn't feel heavy at all. "Oh God", she gasped."What a ride." Kelly gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.
In a few moments Kelly had sneaked out after checking that thecorridor was safe. It was a quiet time of the day, so no-one hadheard them. They both dressed quickly, took their shoppings andheaded towards the shop assistant who had been inventoring thejacket racks. They paid for the things they wanted - Kelly'sblouse and Donna's bikinis and went outside, giggling andwinking at each other. Donna put her sunglasses on as theyhopped on the car, telling Kelly that they'd now hit the beachand try her new outfit out. "It felt really good", she said."But I want you to keep this as our secret. You mustn't tellBrenda or Andrea anything about this. They'd think we are somekind of freaks."
"Well", Kelly said, thinking how to continue, "I think thatthey'd understand. You see, Donna... I think that you are nowentitled to know. This wasn't exactly my first time with a girl.Even yesterday, in the beach with Andrea and Brenda..."
"It is finished", Andrea said with high self-esteem and pulledthe paper out of the typewriter. She was still smiling as shepassed her article to Brandon, whose expression was mildlyshocked after reading the headline. "Beautiful Secrets", he saidaloud. "Oh no, Andrea. I know that you are serious, but they arenever going to let you print this."
"And why not?" Andrea snapped back, as if she didn't know. Shewas just smiling her beautiful, innocent-looking smile, her headslightly leaning to the left.
"Because..." Brandon said, reading the article forward, "Andrea,this is a beautiful and well-written article on the subject. ButI don't think that the school is ready for this. You just can'twrite about these things at the school's paper. I know it'swrong, but that's the way it is."
"Now listen, Brandon. We have had editorials on drugs, teenagesex, gun control and even rape. I think that we are facing theultimate hypocrisy of our society here." Andrea's voice hadsuddenly frozen. "We must be able to talk about these things.There is too much guilt and too much fear now, and I want tochange things."
Brandon read the next paragraph. It told about how high schoolfreshmen often broke themselves and their sexuality with stupidexperiments, often drunk, often with fear of getting caught orseen. And there was an alternative for it, an alternative no-oneever even whispered a word. It was safe, it taught you a lotabout your body and its reactions and it was free. It waseveryone's own beautiful secret. Masturbation. She had said italoud. Masturbation. The word itself was the beauty.
"I don't know about this chapter where you admit that you doit", Brandon said, puzzled and confused. "I think that it istoo... raunchy for a high school paper."
"Raunchy?" Andrea asked with sudden fury. "What's the matterwith you, Brandon? I can't believe I heard you put it that way!Of all the staff around here I expected you to support andunderstand me in this. I guess I was wrong", Andrea said andtook the paper from his hand. She turned away from Brandon andstarted reading, her face grim and sulking.
"Andrea, stop that. I didn't mean to say it like that", Brandontried to settle things between them. "I really think that whatyou do is important and requires a lot of courage..."
"But it shouldn't! Everyone should be able to do the same withno fear of consequences! Something in our world is really sick!"
Andrea's loud voice turned many heads in the room to see whatwas happening. Suddenly she realized that and felt embarrassed.One by one they went back to their work, constant typing fillingthe air after a short while. Andrea blushed and told Brandon shewas sorry, and he accepted her apology.
"You're the boss", Brandon finally said. "If you want to run thearticle, I can't stop you. I advice you not to, but if youreally think it is so important, then go ahead. After all, whatis the worst that could happen?"
"Yes, Brandon, I think that it is important. It is so importantthat I want you to do something about it."
"Anything you say, boss", Brandon agreed jokingly.
"I want you to do a supporting article for this. In fact, itshould include a little survey on attitudes around here."Brandon guessed what Andrea was going to say, tried to raise hishands to defend himself and refuse, but Andrea was unstoppable."I want you to ask everyone... well, mostly the boys... about ifthey do it and what they think about it. And what do theyfantasize about when they do it. Oh, and ask them also if theyhave ever done it in groups, I think that some boys haveexperiences of circle jerks..."
Brandon fell down laughing, and so did Andrea. "Perhaps I shouldalso ask how far they shoot", he said between his laughter, andthey both started laughing like maniacs. Brandon laughed so hardhe almost couldn't breathe. "Do that, and of course you must askwhen they did it for the first time, and ask if they've everfantasized about someone of their own sex, and ask which stylethey prefer - do they caress the tip or the balls..."
It took ten minutes before the editorial staff could make themstop laughing, wondering what could be that funny, and stillthey just had to look at each other to start again.